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Sen. Bradford Blackmon, a Black Democratic Party state senator in Mississippi, introduced a bill, the “Contraception Begins At Erection Act” that pokes fun at the position of anti-abortion critics. While the bill would most likely fail to pass, the Contraception Begins At Erection Act was designed by Sen. Blackmon to highlight men and their role in pregnancies and place the onus on them to be active in the process.
Local outlet WLBT reports that Mississippi’s Sen. Bradford Blackmon drafted and posted the bill earlier this week, which would make masturbation against the law and would result in fines that range between $1,000 to $10,000 for each offense. Sen. Blackmon said such self-assisted emissions would be allowed for sperm bank donations or when using contraception that prevents pregnancies.
“All across the country, especially here in Mississippi, the vast majority of bills relating to contraception and/or abortion focus on the woman’s role when men are fifty percent of the equation,” Blackmon said via a statement to WLBT. “This bill highlights that fact and brings the man’s role into the conversation. People can get up in arms and call it absurd but I can’t say that bothers me.”
Mississippi is one of a dozen states that either have a full ban or mostly total ban of abortion according to data shared by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). Blackmon
The full bill can be read via the state’s legislative bill status system here.
On X, folks are applauding Sen. Blackmon’s bill for calling out the hypocrisy of critics and the policing of women’s bodies done by certain segments of elected officials and the wider population
Photo: Getty
6. Laughter died.
8. Someone didn’t read the story.
10. Another non-reader.
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Malcolm X might be the last historical figure to come to mind as it relates to the politics of Republican Party presidential hopeful, Donald Trump. However, a Black conservative evoked one of Malcolm X’s most famous quotes regarding “House Negroes” and “Field Negroes,” saying that those in the field are “going for Trump.”
Shelly Wynter, who refers to himself as a Traditionalist conservative, was a guest on CNN this week with anchor Sara Sidner and were having a discussion about the upcoming election race between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Wynter referenced Malcolm X’s famous 1963 speech in which the civil rights leader presented a comparison of two types of so-called Negroes, a widely used term at the time to describe Black people in America. In the speech, X lays out that the house Negro was partial to the slave owner and wanted his favor, while the field Negro held the slave owner in contempt.
Wynter, perhaps misunderstanding or misrepresenting X’s quotes, shocked the CNN panel by saying that the “field African American” to use his words would pull the lever for Trump.
“Let’s be honest here, and let’s really be clear what’s being said,” Wynter began in the now viral c. “If you’re an African American man, look, let me boil this election down in the African American community to a very simple [way]. I’ll reference the great Malcolm X. This race is between house African Americans and field African Americans, and a field African Americans going for Trump.”
Wynter added, “I’m talking about your men who build, your men who put things together, your men who work with their hands, your men who do things, not the men who push paper or the men are connected to power and want to continue to be connected to power, I’m talking about the men in our community who are doing the work.”
Sidner was taken aback by Wynter’s analysis and attempted to offer some pushback but was met with overtalking with Wynter deftly evading her question asking if he was putting down Black men with white-collar professions. Michael Blake, the former DNC Vice Chair and an aide to President Barack Obama, didn’t allow Wynter to own the moment and challenged his assertions.
“Is Shelley the house one or the field one?” Blake said. “I’m just trying to understand that part, I’m just trying to understand the one that’s spitting talking points right now. Are you the house Negro and the field Negro that you’re referring to? I’m just trying to make sure. Your question was about denigrating Black people, that literally was your question. You have a Republican fool who was talking right now. You literally just said Black men, this is an election about house or field. This is the nonsense that we are listening to right now by those that are supporting Donald Trump.”
The clip is still making its rounds across social media with many sharing their thoughts on why Shelly Wynter used Malcolm X’s speech to hammer his point him. We’ve got the clip in question and responses from the X platform below.
This CNN discussion goes completely off the rails when radio host Shelley Wynter says: “This race is between house African-Americans and field African-Americans, and the field African-Americans are going for Donald Trump.”
Needless to say, things broke down after that.
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) October 16, 2024
Photo: Screengrab/CNN/X/Getty
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Conservative politicians are openly pushing Project 2025, a plan to dismantle left and progressive policies to be enacted with the potential reelection of Donald Trump.
The fear of former President Donald Trump returning to the White House has been bolstered by the revelation of a plan crafted by the conservative think tank group the Heritage Foundation. The plan, known as Project 2025, got more attention at the 2024 BET Awards thanks to host Taraji P. Henson addressing the recent Supreme Court decisions criminalizing homelessness. “They are attacking our most vulnerable citizens. The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she said.
What exactly is Project 2025?
Project 2025 is a four-step plan to remake the United States into a “values-oriented” nation intending to eliminate what Republicans call the “deep state” within the American government. It would be enacted at the beginning of the new administration in January 2025. The entire plan is contained in a 920-page document named Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, which is available for the public to read on its website.
The plan’s first step begins with the document then the assemblage of a database containing personnel loyal to Trump. Trump’s team would then review each candidate before a final selection. The third step involves an online educational system known as the Presidential Administration Academy, which will train those future appointees to hit the ground running to carry out duties. The final step is a playbook covering the first 180 days that is set to empower “a comprehensive, concrete transition plan for each federal agency,” as described by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, who appeared on MSNBC’s The Weekend to talk about it last week.
So what would come next with Project 2025?
To begin with, if Trump regains office, he would reinstate Schedule F, which would then reclassify tens of thousands out of the two million federal employees to be at-will workers that can be fired easily. President Joe Biden rescinded the plan upon taking office in 2021. Another element focuses on the military by severely gutting veterans’ disability and retirement benefits including placing a 10-year limit on claims, as illustrated in a thread by a user on X, formerly Twitter.
Another aim of Project 2025 is to severely limit immigration to the United States through various methods such as ending updates to the lists for H-2A and H-2B temporary worker visas, forcing states to share taxpayer information and driver’s license information, and terminating the legal protected status of 500,000 “Dreamers” or undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. Project 2025 would also see a dismantling of the Department of Justice as an independent agency as well as the elimination of “woke” terms such as “sexual orientation” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” from federal policies.
Lastly, women’s rights would see further erosion with Project 2025 if enacted. According to the Center For American Progress, 48 million American women would lose access to emergency contraception. There would also be nationwide bans on abortion, and those who’ve previously had the procedure would be registered in a database kept by a “Department of Life,” which would withhold Medicaid funding to states still allowing it. In-vitro fertilization would also be banned as well as medical stem cell research in keeping with the conservative principle that “life begins at conception.”
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Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty
The Black National Anthem, also widely known as “Lift Every Voice & Sing,” was performed expertly by Sheryl Lee Ralph ahead of Super Bowl LVII. Because Black people can’t have nice things, powerful conservative figures and others from the GOP side of the aisle complained on social media about the emotionally stirring moment.
The Black National Anthem was performed for the third year in a row ahead of the NFL’s biggest game on Feb. 12, with Ralph, a notable singer along as an award-winning actress, taking on the classic with ease. Shortly after her performance, Trump muppets and salty conservatives revved up the complaint train and accused the Super Bowl of wokeness, which we know is code for “it’s getting too Black in here.”
Ralph was rightly proud of her moment and shared the news via social media, which sparked the angry pitchfork mob to stir up some unnecessary mess and tried to take shots while using tired tropes of evoking the name of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
One Twitter user, who won’t dignify with posting their username, had the nerve to write to Ralph, “No disrespect to anyone, but MLK didn’t call for a separate anthem, did he? He didn’t call for segregated dorms and black-only graduations, did he? He called for unity, as I recall. I prefer his “content of their character” prescription over divisive “separate but equal” anthems.”
Yep. It was like that.
Just for context, we’ll share some of the other loser comments from the butt-hurt clowns who claim to be patriots and champions of fairness while taking down the big bad of “wokeness” from their cushy seats.
Photo: Getty