Warner Chappell and Moon Projects Launch Joint Venture Publishing Company
Written by djfrosty on November 3, 2022

Moon Projects, a new label and creative agency, has expanded into the songwriter side of the business by launching a co-publishing partnership with Warner Chappell Music. Called Moon Projects Publishing, it is the second joint venture started with a major music corporation for the Mary Rahmani-founded start-up, founded in 2021. Earlier this year, their Republic Records-partnered label operation saw major success with signee Em Beihold, the then-unknown pop act whose song “Numb Little Bug” hit No. 1 on both Billboard’s Adult Pop Airplay and Emerging Artist charts.
Rahmani, who is known as TikTok’s first-ever music hire, hopes to build out her newly founded Moon Projects as an artist services company adept at meeting the challenges of the modern day music industry. This includes offering label or publishing services through their jvs as well as creative agency assistance, providing curation, strategy and digital consulting for short-form video content to artists hoping to tap into the creator economy.
To date, Moon Projects Publishing has not signed any songwriters, and artists who signed to the Moon Projects label will not necessarily sign for publishing as well. Em Beihold, for example, recently announced her signing to Sony Music Publishing, but for the eventual members of its roster, the new publishing arm will combine “white-glove service and personal attention” common with boutique publishers with the “resources of one of the biggest music publishers in the world,” says the company in a statement.
“Mary and Moon Projects have a unique and innovative approach in this space. We’re excited to partner with them as they move into the music publishing side of the business. We look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together for songwriters and artists at all stages of their careers.” – Warner Chappell Music SVP of A&R and Venture Partners Rich Christina
“Warner Chappell Music is a true industry leader in music publishing and rights management. I am honored to be working with them in this joint venture,” added Rahmani. “Publishing was built to serve artists at every stage of their career by providing innovative and equitable catalog management strategies. I’m so excited to usher in this new era of Moon Projects, and to open up even more opportunities to work with the artists we care about and believe in. With the support of Warner Chappell Music, Moon Projects will continue to establish itself as a place where artists can grow and thrive.”