Finish the Lyrics
Rachel Zegler plays Finish the Lyrics Disney Edition to see if the latest Disney princess knows the lyrics for some iconic Disney songs.
Tetris Kelly:We’re gonna play a game, Finish the Lyrics, and it’s the Disney edition. We’re gonna start kind of easy. OK, we’ll see. We’ll see.
And now he’s dear, and so unsure.
Rachel Zegler:And now he’s dear, I’m so unsure, and maybe something there that wasn’t there before.
Tetris Kelly:Obviously, you sound good. I am gonna give you a slight correction. I’m gonna give you the point on that. But the actual following line to that is, I wonder why I didn’t see it there before.
Rachel Zegler:Oh, my bad.
Tetris Kelly:We’re on the right track, right?
Rachel Zegler:It’s actually crazy, because I did play that part in my school.
Tetris Kelly:Oh, did you?
Rachel Zegler:Yeah, I’ve done Belle twice, Ariel, Princess Fiona — which is not Disney. Wow, this is not my first princess rodeo.
Tetris Kelly:OK, let’s try another one. OK, I’ve had my adventure. I don’t need something new. I’m gonna help you out at my adventure. I don’t need something new. I’m afraid …
Rachel Zegler:Of what I’m risking if I follow you into the unknown.
Tetris Kelly:Good job, Rachel. All right, we’re gonna go. We’re gonna throw it back a little bit. OK, this one, I do believe, is hard — unbelievable sights, indescribable feelings,
Rachel Zegler:Soaring, tumbling, free wheeling. You know, it’s my parents wedding song.
Tetris Kelly:You’re kidding me. Oh, my God, you’ve been a Disney adult all your life.
Watch the full video above!
The cast of Moana 2 tests how well they know their knowledge of Disney hits by finishing the lyrics to “Let It Go,” “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” and so many more!
What did you think of the cast finishing the lyrics? Let us know in the comments!
Tetris Kelly:We like to play a game with a lot of our guests called Finish the Lyrics.
Awhimai Fraser: Oh no, I’m terrible!
I’m never going back/ The past is in the past.
They said we really hit it.
Emily Bear:I’m never going back/ The past is in the past.
Tetris Kelly: See? Come on!
Awhimai Fraser: That’s “A Whole New World,” but I can’t remember the rest.
Abigail Barlow:Soaring … No?
Tetris Kelly:OK, you’re getting- You’re on the way
Abigail Barlow:Soaring sideways and under.
Tetris Kelly: You were right with soaring. You started correctly.
Awhimai Fraser & Hualalai Chung: Indescribable feelings tumbling/ free wheeling.
Awhimai Fraser:We can hum it.
Abigail Barlow:Tumbling/ Free wheeling.
Tetris Kelly:There we go.
Abigail Barlow:In an endless diamond sky. That’s a crazy lyric
Tetris Kelly:It’s a crazy lyric. Even when I read it, I was like, well, that one caught me off guard.
Abigail Barlow:Yeah.
He told me that the man of my dreams.
Tetris Kelly: She’s got it.
Abigail Barlow:I don’t know what comes next.
Tetris Kelly:And someday be mine.
Emily Bear:I don’t know.
Abigail Barlow:It’s from Encanto.
Awhimai Frase:Ote, Mariano’s …
Hualalai Chung:She’s got the Māori version down.
Awhimai Frase:I know the Māori version.
Hualalai Chung:She knows the Māori version.
Awhimai Frase:Yeah yeah, OK.
Tetris Kelly:OK, do we got the song title?
Abigail Barlow:“We Don’t Talk About Bruno.”
Tetris Kelly:“We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” OK, I’ll give you a point for that.
Emily Bear:I’m sorry, that’s so embarrassing.
Keep watching for more!
Mau y Ricky go through their music catalog and finish the lyrics to their hits including “Ya No Tiene Novio,” “Mal Acostumbrado” and more! Mau: Hi Billboard, how are you? It’s Mau y Ricky. Ricky: And we will be ‘Finishing the Lyrics’ of our songs. Let’s see if we know our own lyrics. Mau y […]
SEVENTEEN takes on the challenge of finishing the lyrics to their countless hits including “MONEY, LOVE, FAME,” “_WORLD” and more!
Tetris Kelly:I’m going to play a quick game with you guys and see if you can finish the lyrics to your own songs.
We can mix it up right/ Sugar and spice.
SEVENTEEN:Oh, do we have to say the next line? “God of Music.”
Yes, but you had the lyrics right, which was: Brass sound and guitar. All right good job, they’re already good at this, OK!
Ah, after getting the lyrics right.
Mingyu, I see you brother.
You know without you/ I’m so lonely/ When you’re not here/ 911 calling.
Into your heat again/ I’m diving/ Darling you, darling you, baby.
OK, good job! And I just got a live performance right now, thank you for that.
Easy, easy, so easy.
Knock, knock, knockin’/ On heaven’s doors.
It’s your part. Every part is my part, so I’m just peace sign. I just want to see if y’all can get it.
Knock, knock, knockin’/ On heaven’s doors …
OK, OK, I’ll give you a hint. It’s a condiment.
Not ketchup.
Whipped cream.
Oh he said it — it’s whipped cream.
Whipped cream!
Whipped cream.
Knock, knock, knockin’/ On heaven’s doors/ Run your fingertips over the whipped cream cloud.
There you go. See, he knows.
Primetime/ ‘Cause you changin’ me for better.
You’re the reason for my being.
There you go, you’re the reason for my being. It’s “LOVE, MONEY, FAME!” That was so much fun guys, I love hanging out with you guys. Thank you so much for playing with me.
Thank you so much for having us.
Of course!
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