Witness To History Podcast: D.L. Chandler & Alvin Blanco Talk 5 Decades of Hip-Hop
Written by djfrosty on January 16, 2024

Source: Hip-Hop Wired / iOne Digital
As the Witness To History podcast chugs along, Hip-Hop Wired decided to look at 50 years of our beloved genre from a fan’s, participant’s and journalist’s perspective. For the latest episode, Senior Editor D.L. Chandler and Director of Content Alvin aqua Blanco chatted about what the culture means to them along with attempting to recap some of the best moments, artists, and more over its five-decade lifetime.
Recapping 50 years of Hip-Hop is frankly an impossible feat, but we did manage to key in on some topics and MC”s we think didn’t get enough burn during the run-up up the culture’s milestone birthday this past August. Regardless, we’ll only continue to big up the best of Hip-Hop, and with a critical eye when necessary until it hits 51 and beyond.
The convo was so fluid we decided to break up the episode into two parts. Tap in above and below. And be sure to check out past Witness To HIstory episodes right here.