Rick Ross Says If You See One of His Buffalos Wandering in Your Backyard, Just Wing It: ‘Give it a Carrot. Give it a Apple’
Written by djfrosty on March 21, 2023

In the immortal words of Snoop Dogg, you gotta pay the cost to be the boss. Or in Rick Ross‘ case, you gotta make sure your cattle behave-or you’ll be a bad neighbor. In case you missed the news earlier this week, some folks who live near Ross’ massive spread in Fayetteville, Georgia complained that a few of the buffalos in his Bawse herd had wandered off the property.
One even shared footage with TMZ of two animals who moseyed onto her property twice last week. In the clip, you can see the animals — who can weigh up to 2,000 pounds — walking through her front yard and grazing on grass near her driveway. The woman said she worried that they might hurt her children. But Ross — who was reportedly gifted the two animals by partners in his clothing company last year — said in an Instagram Story that everyone needs to chill and just reach into the crisper.
“Everybody that’s wanting a statement and a response for my bulls, my cows, a couple of buffaloes that got away in the community, this is my response,” Ross said in the Story. I always return stray animals. Make sure you always keep a collar on your animal. And mine don’t have a collar ’cause you know it’s mines.”
That seemed fair. After all, what other rich forever rappers in the area have massive livestock roaming across their 235-acre, 109-room house estate? To ease tensions, Ross suggested that if you see something, feed something.
“So when you see my buffalo, give it a carrot. Give it a apple,” he said. “They so kind, they so peaceful. Thank everybody for watching. Thank everybody for making sure all of my animals got back into the Promise Land. … All my neighbors, Fayetteville, y’all the best.”
Check out the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office report on the incident below.